Select Count Distinct

can someone tell me why is this not working, what i mean is that the select distinct is not working its not counting properly ;

$count_participants = BridgeMeeting::Model()->with('idUserRegistry')->count(array(

    'condition' => 'id_meeting=:id_meeting',

    'select' => 'id_user_registry',

    'distinct' => true,

    'params' => array(

        "id_meeting" => $data->id_meeting



You forgot to prefix ‘id_meeting’ with a colon (in the ‘params’ array):

 'params' => array(

        ":id_meeting" => $data->id_meeting


i tried it and it dose not work , it still dose not do the count of distinct i also tried this but no positive results

$count_participants = BridgeMeeting::Model()->with('idUserRegistry')->count(


        'condition' => 'id_meeting=:id_meeting',

        'select' => 'id_user_registry',

        'distinct' => true,



    "id_meeting" => $data->id_meeting



may help you

Can you paste us here exact sql statement that is being executed? You can enable mysql logs in main.php config file:







				'levels'=>'error, warning',


			// uncomment the following to show log messages on web pages




