Hello Friends,
I hired a web designer to complete some html task (for new awesome theme)
And the problem was we can’t disclose, our php code of models/controller
What i had done? i created an ftp account on development machine with write permission only on view folder, from where he can edit the code,
As you know that user can run any php code and using that he can view model/controller code, to solve this issue we used a template engine named twig which is available as yii extension.
Now the security issue is that while using template engine user can read any php file by running php code inside CGridView
For example:
{{ this.widget(‘zii.widgets.grid.’,{
{'name':'name', 'value':'$data->name.\'file_get_contents("filename.php")\''},
}, true) }}
Is there anyway to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance