Search with multiple related tables

I have this schema:

My A Model

class A extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord


	public function getB()


		return $this->hasOne(B::className(), ['id' => 'b_id']);


	public function getBLeft()


		return $this->hasOne(BLeft::className(), ['id' => 'b_left_id']);



	public function getBRight()


		return $this->hasOne(BRight::className(), ['id' => 'b_right_id']);



	public function getBRight1()


		return $this->hasOne(BRight1::className(), ['id' => 'b_right_1_id']);



	public function getBRight2()


		return $this->hasOne(BRight2::className(), ['id' => 'b_right_2_id']);



	public function getBRight3()


		return $this->hasOne(BRight3::className(), ['id' => 'b_right_3_id']);




My A Search Model:

class ASearch extends A



	public function search($params)


		$query = A::find();

		$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

			'query' => $query,


		if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {

			return $dataProvider;




			'id' => $this->id,


		return $dataProvider;



The View:

<?=  GridView::widget([

		'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,

		'columns' => [


				'attribute' => 'bLeft',

				'value' => ''



				'attribute' => 'bRight',

				'value' => ''



				'attribute' => 'bRight1',

				'value' => ''



				'attribute' => 'bRight2',

				'value' => ''



				'attribute' => 'bRight3',

				'value' => ''






It´s Ok!


|   id    |  |  |  | | | |


|   A1    |   B1    |   BL1   |  BR1    |  BR11   |  BR21   |  BR31   |


| 																	|

|  ...   	...   	...   	...        ...   	...      ...    |

| 																	|


|   An    |   Bn    |  BLn    | BRn 	|  BR1n   |  BR2n   |  BR3n   |


I need a search form with related field, so, i tried using "$query->joinWith":

class ASearch extends A


	public $b;

	public $bLeft;

	public $bRight;

	public $bRight1;

	public $bRight2;

	public $bRight3;


	public function rules()


		return [

			[['id'], 'integer'],

			[['b', 'bLeft', 'bRight', 'bRight1', 'bRight2', 'bRight3'], 'safe'],




	public function search($params)


		$query = A::find();

		$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

			'query' => $query,


		if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {

			return $dataProvider;









			'id' => $this->id,

			'' => $this->bLeft,

			'' => $this->bRight,

			'' => $this->bRight1,

			'' => $this->bRight2,

			'' => $this->bRight3,


		return $dataProvider;



But i get:

Getting unknown property: common\models\A::b_id

I also tried with "->viaTable"

class A extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord



	public function getBLeft()


		return $this->hasOne(BLeft::className(), ['id' => 'left_id']);

			->viaTable('tbl_b', ['id' => 'b_id']);


	public function getBRight()


		return $this->hasOne(BRight::className(), ['id' => 'right_id']);

			->viaTable('tbl_b', ['id' => 'b_id']);




I thing the problem is [size="2"]bRight1 or [/size][size="2"]bRight2 or [/size][size="2"]bRight3 because i also[/size][size="2"] get the same error when i use only one of:[/size]




What´s wrong?

if i use:

$query->joinWith(['bRight1'], true, 'INNER JOIN');

instead of:


I got the error:

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias: 'tbl_b'

The SQL being executed was: SELECT `tbl_a`.* FROM `tbl_a` LEFT JOIN `tbl_b` ON `tbl_a`.`id_b` = `tbl_b`.`id` LEFT JOIN `tbl_b_right` ON `tbl_b`.`b_right_id` = `tbl_b_right`.`id` INNER JOIN `tbl_b` ON `tbl_a`.`id_b` = `tbl_b`.`id` INNER JOIN `tbl_b_left` ON `tbl_b`.`b_left_id` = `tbl_b_left`.`id` LEFT JOIN `tbl_b_right_1` ON `tbl_b_right`.`b_right_1_id` = `tbl_b_right_1`.`id`

I understand this error, but i don`t know how to fix it.

I read some posts about it:

But i can’t find how to use it.