Search in same model

Got a members model with the following attributes,




introduced_by attribute refers to the id and is the old member who introduced the new member.

In detailview the following gives the new members name instead of the introducer



        'value' => $model->name,


How can i get the Old members name referred by introduced_by

Add a "introducedBy" relation in "Member" model, such as:

    public function getIntroducedBy()


        return $this->hasOne(Member::className(), ['id' => 'introduced_by']);


and then in detail view:



    'value' => ($model->introducedBy!=null)?$model->introducedBy->name:null,


Just FYI you do not need to set the value and you can use dot notation






Fabrizio Caldarelli - didnt work. will try other option by skworden

    public function getIntroducedBy()


        return $this->hasOne(Member::className(), ['id' => 'introduced_by']);


and then in detail view:



    'value' => ($model->introducedBy!=null)?$model->introducedBy->name:null,

