scenario is not working

this is my controller code

public function actionRequest()


     $model1  = new Password();      

    $model->scenario = 'request';


 //echo "<pre>"; print_r($model1->scenarios()); var_dump($model1); exit;

if ($model1->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model1->sendRecoveryMessage()) {

        return $this->goBack();

    } else {

        return $this->render('login', [

            'model' => $model,




below is model code

public function attributeLabels()


    return [

        'email'    => \Yii::t('app', 'Email'),

        'password' => \Yii::t('app', 'Password'),



/** @inheritdoc */

public function scenarios()


    return [

        'request' => ['email'],

        'reset'   => ['password']




 * @inheritdoc


public function rules()


    return  [

              [['email'], 'required'],

             ['email', 'email'],

             [['username'], 'string', 'max'=>200],

             [['email'], 'string', 'max'=>200],

             ['password', 'validator'],

             ['confirmPassword', 'compare','compareAttribute'=>'newPassword', 'message'=>'Passwords not matching'],



and this code print_r($model1->scenarios()); giving me this



[request] => Array


        [0] => email


[reset] => Array


        [0] => password



if i m using ajax validation without scenario it is working if i m using scenario then it is not working

You have to assign a scenario to your rules

public function rules()


return [

    [['email'], 'required', 'on'=>'request'],

    ['email', 'email'],

    [['username'], 'string', 'max'=>200, 'on'=>'request'],

    [['email'], 'string', 'max'=>200, 'on'=>'request'],

    ['password', 'validator', 'on'=>'request'],

    ['confirmPassword', 'compare','compareAttribute'=>'newPassword', 'message'=>'Passwords not matching', 'on'=>'request'],



how you do your scenarios is better than doing the on=>… if you reuse the rules for more than one scenario (which it looks like you do) because you would have to re-declare all the rules over and over for each scenario.

You have $model1… and for your scenario you have $model->scenario=… you need to have $model1->scenario=…

$model1  = new Password();      

$model->scenario = 'request';

//should be

$model1  = new Password();      

$model1->scenario = 'request';

 //or it can be

$model1  = new Password(['scenario'=>'request']);      

//since it is a new record you can do the above however,

//if it is an update you would have to do 

$model1  = new Password();      

$model1->scenario = 'request';

also make sure you list EVERY attribute that needs to be validated for the specific scenario in the scenario list!