Saving Filters

hello dear All,

I want to save filter with title and some description. How can i get the latest filtered IDS (for saving) from Gridview after success(as to avoid completion conflicts).

$(’.filter-form form’).submit(function(){

   $.fn.yiiGridView.update('violence-mentioned-grid', {

	'success': function(data) {



        'success': function(data) {




        'type': 'POST',

        'data': $('#save-filters-form').serialize(),

        'url': '".$this->createUrl('/violencementioned/saveFilters',array('IDs'=>$model->getSearchDataAsString()))."',




and in model

public function getSearchDataAsString()




           foreach($this->search()->getData(true) as $data){  // true is refreshment of dataprovider



       return $IDs;


But it always returns the total number of rows Rather then filter, ANY idea or suggestion? working for last two days Please!!!!

To get latest selected IDS you have:


thanks for reply, i m trying

Not working in pagination!!!