Save() With Dynamic Tenant

Hi there

I’ve been trying to resolve this problem for like a week now, and still no luck!

I’ve been posting few topics around my problem and noticed I wasn’t really clear about what I wanted. So I’ll make it very short and concise.

Please can someone explain me why:

[color="#FF0000"]the save(false) is not working.[/color]

[color="#00FF00"]the saveCustom() is working perfectly.[/color]


$newLayout = new TENANT_Layout(null, $_GET['tenantID'] );

$newLayout->layoutTitle = 'test';

$newLayout->IDGTBtemplate = 4;




class TENANT_Layout extends /*TENANT_ActiveRecord*/ CActiveRecord


         public $externalTenant;     

// __construct() and getDbConnection() are pretty simple and straightforward.

         public function __construct( $scenario = 'insert', $tenantID = null )


                if ( isset($tenantID) )


                        $this->externalTenant = GTBtenant::model()->findByPk( $tenantID ); 

                        if ( !isset( $this->externalTenant) )

                            Yii::app()->alert->sendAlert(Alert::ERROR_ALERT, 'the tenant ('.$tenantID.') couldnt be found, when requested by class ['.__CLASS__.']');  


                parent::__construct( $scenario );




         public function getDbConnection()


                if ( isset($this->externalTenant) )


                        $connection = new CDbConnection(    'mysql:host='. $this->externalTenant->IPaddress.

                                                            ';dbname='. $this->externalTenant->DBname,




                        return $connection;                        

                }  else {

                         return Yii::app()->tenant->db;



//beforesave is triggered with the right info!

  protected function beforeSave() 



            Yii::app()->toolbox->alert('!!SAVE()!!! layoutTitle: '.$this->layoutTitle.',  IGGTBtemplate: '.$this->IDGTBtemplate);             




//aftersave was never triggered with save()

        protected function afterSave() {


            Yii::app()->toolbox->alert('!!AFTER SAVE()!!! layoutTitle: '.$this->layoutTitle.',  IGGTBtemplate: '.$this->IDGTBtemplate);  



//When I save with this function it works like a charm.

        public function saveCustom()


            $table = $this->tableName();             

            $val = '"'.$this->layoutTitle . '","' . $this->IDGTBtemplate.'"';


            $dns = $this->getDbConnection()->connectionString;  

            $connection = new CDbConnection( $dns, 'my_user', 'my_password');



            $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (layoutTitle, IDGTBtemplate) VALUES ($val);";


            $command = $connection->createCommand($sql);



            return true;





in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/extensions/GTBwidgets/LayoutCreator/themes/default/views/editor/index.php (206)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/components/GTBmasterWidget.php (176)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/components/GTBmasterWidget.php (161)

2013/06/18 23:57:41 [trace] [] GTBtemplate.findByPk()

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/extensions/GTBwidgets/LayoutCreator/themes/default/views/editor/index.php (206)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/components/GTBmasterWidget.php (176)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/components/GTBmasterWidget.php (161)

2013/06/18 23:57:41 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `GTBtemplate` `t` WHERE `t`.`ID`=4 LIMIT 1

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/extensions/GTBwidgets/LayoutCreator/themes/default/views/editor/index.php (206)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/components/GTBmasterWidget.php (176)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/components/GTBmasterWidget.php (161)

2013/06/18 23:57:41 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `GTBlanguage`

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/models/GTBlanguage.php (21)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/views/layouts/admin.php (6)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/controllers/SiteController.php (50)

2013/06/18 23:57:41 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `GTBlanguage`

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/models/GTBlanguage.php (21)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/views/layouts/admin.php (6)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/controllers/SiteController.php (50)

2013/06/18 23:57:41 [trace] [] GTBlanguage.findByAttributes()

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/views/layouts/admin.php (7)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/controllers/SiteController.php (50)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/components/Controller.php (97)

2013/06/18 23:57:41 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `GTBlanguage` `t` WHERE `t`.`i18n`=:yp0 LIMIT 1

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/views/layouts/admin.php (7)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/controllers/SiteController.php (50)

in /var/www/gtbHosting/protected/components/Controller.php (97)

Now, can someone please explain me why saveCustom is working and not save()????

Thank you for your time. :)


What error do you get when you call save(false)?

Probably $connection must be a static variable, as you see in the source code of CActiveRecord::getDbConnection().

Thank you for your quick answer.

The result after a save() is: a simple reload of the page with no extra layout actually saved.

I also tried your recommendation:

         public function getDbConnection()


                if ( isset($this->externalTenant) )


                        self::$db = new CDbConnection(    'mysql:host='. $this->externalTenant->IPaddress.

                                                            ';dbname='. $this->externalTenant->DBname,




                        return self::$db;                        

                }  else {

                         return Yii::app()->tenant->db;



But still no luck it does exactly the same thing(reloading the page with nothing saved). Does anyone have an idea!? I’m sure it’s something stupid. ;)

Did you find nothing in the application log?

I would trace the execution of the program, setting a break point on that line and stepping into save() method to see what’s happening.