Save To Database From Table

Dear all friend please help me.

I have one controller name: ExpenseController.php

I have two models name: ZfiExpenseDetail.php and ZfiExpenseHeader.php

and one page name: create.php

I write all code in create.php. My purpose want insert all item on table to database on model ZfiExpenseDetail.php

<table class="table table-striped table-hover" id="list">


                    &lt;tr bgcolor=&quot;#CCCCCC&quot;&gt; 



                      &lt;td&gt;Expense Catg&lt;/td&gt;


                      &lt;td&gt;Receipt Amount&lt;/td&gt;


                      &lt;td&gt;Exchange Rate&lt;/td&gt;


                      &lt;td width=&quot;100px&quot;&gt;Action&lt;/td&gt;



                     &lt;tbody class=&quot;auto&quot;&gt;                        









<td class="dynbox1">10000</td>










<td class="dynbox1">5000</td>










<td class="dynbox1">5000</td>




Please help me show code details or example. Very thank.

How to insert?