Rules and messages

I want write all text of message that I use in function rules, save in a file. How is better do this? ِDo I must write a function in components or …?


public function rules()


return array(

  array('age', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true,'message'=>'My text My text My text My text'),



Create an application component, for example ErrorMessagesComponent, to call with:


where $codeMessage could be "err1", "err2" or what you want.

You can use a translation’s file (see

public function rules()


return array(

  array('age', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true,'message'=>Yii::t('app', 'message x')),



in your "message/en/app":


return array(

    'message x' => 'My text My text My text My text',
