Thank you Chris. Actually my resolution was something else. It turns out I didn’t investigate enough your program. The mistake I was doing was:
I created a task called “User." (my user model is “User”). But then I was expecting that the "” to catch all actions under the User controller; little that I know it doesn’t work like this. The task is just a name of a collection of objects (Operations) which I didn’t assign to the task. So it was an empty task . Duh!
So I went into the task, I added child objects (operations as individual actions inside the User class) and now is working. Whew!
I have to admit, this module is great; exactly how I imagined this kind of administration should be in an application.
Thank you again for the time you put on it.
I have a translation for it (Romanian) that I would like to share it with the world. Where do I send it to you, because your .live email address you put in your pdf documentation, bounces back.