Revenue share for fixing existing website

I have an existing live website that needs to be worked on.
It is starting to make revenue .
I can’t expand until the site is more efficient and working better.

Looking for one or more yii2 devs. Should be able to do css, html, javascript, bootstrap and mysql . At first it probably consist of just going through the code and cleaning it up.

I’m done paying people that only do it for a paycheck so this will be a revenue share and or equity. But we can decide on some milestone bonuses also.

Only people seriously wanting a part of what they build should inquire.
I have big plans for marketing and I started this project to make as much money as I can and you can be the one sharing.

Hello @outs

I can assist you over it.
You can pay us on achieving mile-stone.

Please check PM


Hi Trish,
I didn’t get a pm or I can’t find it.

Just to clear things up…
This is a revenue share partnership which means you make a percentage of what the site makes.
The site is live and earning a little revenue already but I can’t scale up until the site gets worked on or rebuilt.
I have a solid marketing plan to make much more revenue.

It has a lot of potential since proof of concept has already been established.