Reusable Controllers (Yii Cookbook)

In the Yii Cookbook one can read:

"In Yii, you can create reusable controllers. If you are creating a lot of applications or

controllers that are of the same type, moving all common code into a reusable controller

will save you a lot of time.

In this recipe, we will create a simple reusable api controller that will implement a simple

JSON CRUD API for a model. It will take input data from POST and GET and will respond with

JSON data and a corresponding HTTP response code."

And then there is a code for this controller and then:

"Now we need to connect it to our application via protected/config/main.php.

It can be done by adding controller configuration to the controllerMap property of

CWebApplication so we need to place the following right after the configuration

array opening:


'controllerMap' => array(

'api' => array(

'class' => 'ext.json_api.JsonApiController',

'modelName' => 'Post',




But I can’t find a way of how to use it. I also don’t know how to attach it to more than just one model. Can somebody explain?