Results from Criteria vs MySql Workbench

When I execute the following $criteria in a dataprovider for my CGridView

$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

		$criteria->select=' as p_id,



					currentdLeague.league_name as cl_league_name,

					player.first_name as p_first_name,

					player.last_name as p_last_name';


		$criteria->join='LEFT JOIN (select player_id from tbl_player_season s where s.season_id='.SeasonLeague::model()->getCurrentSeasonID().') as slt on slt.player_id=t.player_id';




						'player'=>array('joinType'=>'right join','select'=>false,),

						'currentLeague'=>array('joinType'=>'left join','select'=>false,));






		$criteria->order='p_last_name asc, p_first_name asc';


		return new CActiveDataProvider(get_class($this), array(



I get the following SQL output

SELECT as p_id, `t`.`comment` AS `t0_c2`, `t`.`date_of_application` AS `t0_c3`, currentLeague.league_name as cl_league_name, player.first_name as p_first_name, player.last_name as p_last_name, `t`.`season_id` AS `t0_c1`, `t`.`current_league_id` AS `t0_c4`, `t`.`player_id` AS `t0_c0` FROM `tbl_player_season` `t` 

LEFT JOIN (select player_id from tbl_player_season s where s.season_id=2) as slt on slt.player_id=t.player_id 

right join `tbl_player` `player` ON (`t`.`player_id`=`player`.`id`) 

left join `tbl_league` `currentLeague` ON (`t`.`current_league_id`=`currentLeague`.`id`) 

ORDER BY p_last_name asc, p_first_name asc LIMIT 10 

When I execute this via MySQL workbench I get the expected results however my CGridView is returning with No Available Records. Has anyone experienced this?