I don’t have an example but you could have your elm source as part of your php application and use elm build tools to compile elm to whatever directory you like.
It is, unfortunately, based on the advanced app template.
Also, this article is basing it on the adv templ : https://code.tutsplu…-api–cms-27682
I don’t want to couple the frontend with the backend, because that will defeat the purpose: the ability to create different frontends, JS, JS-free and desktop applications, even terminal apps (ncurses!).
Anyone has experience with building a REST only Yii application?
I would be interested in hearing your experiences, pros / cons and gotchas.
I consider this application template feature complete for the time being - application specific features like models, rate limiting and more advanced auth is not something that I feel belong in a general purpose application template.
Comments and pull requests would always be appreciated.