Render portlet only for given url


How can I make a portlet display a text/link only if I’m on a given page or is it possible to make a portlet only to be visible if I’m on a given url.

Is there a function that I can use like this user access thingy:

if(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('authName')) {

//some code


I guess I’m loooking for a way to get the current url.


If you want to display the portlet only for SiteController with actionIndex (route: site/index), you may try something like this:

if (Yii::app()->controller->id === 'site' && Yii::app()->controller->action->id === 'index')


   // ...


// What you also can do is to create a parent controller for all your other controllers like:

class ParentController extends CController


  public $showMyPortlet;


When you want to display the portlet for a specific action you do:

class SiteController extends ParentController


  public function actionIndex()


    // enable portlet

    $this->showMyPortlet = true;

    // other code



In your layout/widget you then do:

if (Yii::app()->controller->showMyPortlet)


  // ...


Thanks you just saved me ha whole lot of googling;)