Relational Query with through - explained?


I want to work with a "through" relation and in my opinion both the documentation in "The Definitive Guide to Yii" and the implementation is very weird, not exact and unusable for me.

After taking a look at the code in CActiveFinder.php this is how it works:

‘relationName’ => array(‘relationType’, ‘ClassName’, ‘foreign_key’, ‘through’ => ‘throughRelationName’)

Keep in mind that you can chain/nest relations with through.

For the first through relation, Yii takes

SELECT table.* FROM table 

LEFT OUTER JOIN troughTable ON (troughTable.foreign_key = table.PRIMARY_KEY)

For every following relation Yii takes

SELECT table.* FROM table 

LEFT OUTER JOIN troughTable ON (troughTable.PRIMARY_KEY = table.foreign_key)

See how the usage of the defined foreign_key and PRIMARY_KEY is changing. This is very weird. I think it should always work like in the second statement:

SELECT * FROM (table of ClassName) AS t1 

LEFT OUTER JOIN (table of through relation ClassName) AS t2 ON (t2.PRIMARY_KEY = t1.foreign_key)

What Yii is doing at the moment is very unforeseeable. The funny thing is, it works very well for the example because the example is also weird. It pretends to be an example for HAS_MANY relations with through, but if you look at the ER, you see that the table role is a mappig table for a MANY_MANY relation between user and group.

Take a simple example with this 3 tables:

  • regions (PK: region_id)

  • countries (PK: country_code, FK: region_id)

  • cities (PK: city_id, FK: country_code)

I want

class Region extends CActiveRecord


  public function relations()


    return array(

      'countries' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Country', 'region_id'),

      'cities' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'City', 'country_code', 'through' => 'countries'),




// now get all cities in region with region_id 1

$region = Region::model()->findByPk(1);

$cities = $region->cities;

but this is not working correctly. Yii makes



FROM cities 

LEFT OUTER JOIN countries ON (countries.country_code = cities.city_id)

WHERE countries.region_id = 1

This is nonsense. There is a trick to get it working. Because Yii is changing its procedure for nested through relations, you can get it with

class Region extends CActiveRecord


  public function relations()


    return array(

      'countries' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Country', 'region_id'),

      'bugfix' => array(self::HAS_ONE, 'Country', 'country_code', 'through' => 'countries'),

      'cities' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'City', 'country_code', 'through' => 'bugfix'),




First join countries with itself and then cities are a nested through relation. Now $region->cities is what it should be. This is what Yii is doing with the nested through relation - because now PRIMARY_KEY and foreign_key are the same in the first through relation nothing get’s wrong … accidentally.



FROM cities 

LEFT OUTER JOIN countries AS bugfix ON (cities.country_code = bugfix.country_code)

LEFT OUTER JOIN countries AS countries ON (countries.country_code = bugfix.country_code)

WHERE countries.region_id = 1

If you ask me, Relational Query with through has to be rewriten or it will stay unusable. I wonder if anyone ever really understood how it works at the moment. Any comments on this one are highly appreciated.

Keep up the good work.

Through relation was mainly introduced to be able to get data from mapping table for MANY_MANY. Your task doesn’t require it.

That means relations are: Region HAS_MANY Country, Country HAS_MANY City. The query will look like:


  'country' => array(

    'select' => false,

    'with' => array(

      'region' => array(

         'select' => false,




))->findAll(' = :id', array('id' => $id));

You can move this into criteria parameter and even wrap into named scope.

I see - thank you for the reply.

After looking much longer to the example I already assumed something like this. I think the documentation still lacks some details. It’s strange that for this one relation the syntax/meaning of “foreign_key” is changing its “direction”.

comments and users (from the example) are not in a MANY_MANY relation.

If you search the forum for through you don’t get the feeling that users are using it mainly to get data from mapping table for MANY_MANY …