relate category from table or array

i have a dairys model, where their is a category (freshian , gurnsey, aryshure etc) and sex(1,2). category is stored as a number(1-5) .

How do i relate the number stored to display the animal eg freshian and sex. i can do a table and store the categories or a public variable. but tables best for sustainability

I would write something like this in Dairy model:

class Dairy extends ActiveRecord



    const SEX_MALE = 1;

    const SEX_FEMALE = 2;


    public static function getSexLabels()


        return [

            self::SEX_MALE => 'Male',

            self::SEX_FEMALE => 'Female',



    public function getSexLabel()


        $labels = self::getSexLabels();

        if (isset($lables[$this->sex])) {

            return $labels[$this->sex];

        } else {

            return "invalid sex ({$this->sex})";




Then you can use "->sexLabel" to display the sex of the animal.

$models = Dairy::find()->all();

foreach($models as $model) {

    echo $model->sex;       // displays 1 or 2.

    echo $model->sexLabel;  // displays "Male" or "Female"


As for the category, you can take the same approach, but probably it’s better to create a table for it.

  1. create category table.

id ... primary key

name ... varchar (freshian, gurnsey, aryshure etc)

  1. You should add a foreign key constraint between ‘dairy’.‘category_id’ and ‘category’.‘id’.

  2. Create Category ActiveRecord model for it.

  3. Declare relations between Dairy and Category.

// Dairy.php

    public function getCategory()


        return $this->hasOne(Category::className(), ['id' => 'category_id']);


// Category.php

    public function getDairies()


        return $this->hasMany(Dairy::className(), ['category_id' => 'id']);


Gii will help you in 3) and 4).

Then, you can write like this:

$models = Dairy::find()->all();

foreach($models as $model) {

    echo $model->category_id;     // displays 1, 2, 3, ... etc

    echo $model->category->name;  // displays "freshian", "gurnsey", "aryshure" ... etc
