Registration on a modal window


I’m trying to show a registration form with a modal window using jquery but I can’t make it load actionRegistration() from my Controller. I’ve managed to load it only with loading the whole page with the registration in an iframe.

Help would be appreciated

I’m not sure what you’re trying to do, but you could always call $this->actionRegistration() from other controller actions, or you could use ajax.

I was searching for renderPartial, which displays only my view (and not my whole layout) inside a modal window.

But now I don’t know how to get my error messages displayed inside the modal window.

Picture no. 1 shows my registration form being displayed in a modal window, but when I click submit and my fields aren’t correct, it displays the view with the error messages on a new page and not inside the modal (pic no. 2).

So, how can I get my validated form shown inside my modal window?


I’m in your same situation right now, I guess it must be an Ajax validation, but… I’m new on ajax, could someone give some inputs here? It would be appreciated :)
