Register User And Login User

I’m having trouble with Yii 2.0 doing a basic implementation of the advanced template. I’m just trying to get the user signup and login working. I started with the boilerplate from yii and made very little changes. I simply matched up the tbl_user columns to the attributes listed on the model. Then I figured that I had to rename the table to user, but that didn’t work and I couldn’t find anywhere where the table name was set to tbl_user, but apparently it’s looking for that name in the user model.

The next problem I had was that the password was not being encrypted when I registered a user. So I followed the process through the code:

site controller has a signup action:

public function actionSignup()


	$model = new SignupForm();

	if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {

		$user = $model->signup();

		if ($user) {

			if (Yii::$app->getUser()->login($user)) {

				return $this->goHome();




	return $this->render('signup', [

		'model' => $model,



this calls the signupform model and sign up method:

public function signup()


	if ($this->validate()) {

		return User::create($this->attributes);


	return null;


Which calls User::create on the user model:

public static function create($attributes)


	/** @var User $user */

	$user = new static();




	if ($user->save()) {

		return $user;

	} else {

		return null;



Which calls setPassword:

public function setPassword($password)


	$this->password_hash = Security::generatePasswordHash($password);


So in all this, I see where it’s setting the password before saving, but not encrypting. So I wrote a simple method:

public function hashPassword()



    $this->password = $this->password_hash;


Then called it in the create method:

public static function create($attributes)


	/** @var User $user */

	$user = new static();





	if ($user->save()) {

		return $user;

	} else {

		return null;



This works, however, now I can't login the user,  password does not match apparently.  At this point I'm a little lost.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?  Is there a working example of the boilerplate 2.0 advanced?  I would greatly appreciate any help, thanks.

Ok, so did a fresh install and retraced my steps. I did not need a new method. Just a few tweaks and got a working result possibly. Had to add a password rule to the user model. Had to change logout verb from post to get. So it works, I think, if I understand it correctly, and there is no guarantee that I do :) It looks like it saves a password and a hash_password into the db. The password itself is not encrypted and this is what really threw me. The password is a combination of the password and the hash_password. Is this correct? As far as I can tell, this is how it works. If this is intended, it seems like a really bad practice…

Any help is greatly appreciated, this is my first try with 2.0, thanks!

I couldn't find anywhere where the table name was set to tbl_user

You can create a function in your model to set the table name

	public static function tableName()


		return 'user';


See advanced app template for DB auth

Thanks Orey, I really appreciate your help. I’m new to this so I am making very basic mistakes. For example, I followed the links you suggested and realized that I wasn’t using a migration to create the table and that there might be differences, so I dropped the table and did a migration and sure enough there were. So by creating the table manually, I had put in a password column which it does not need. It uses password_hash instead. This is also why the password rule was not required.

Once I ran the migration the docs suggest, everything worked perfectly.

The behaviours for timestamp are working as well. I noticed that the table created by migration used int(11) instead of DateTime, which is what I had when I created the table manually, for the format of the column. Do you know why they are using this format? Also, the value stored from a signup: 1393778790 for example, I don’t know what this represents. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

I have no idea. Anyway, Yii does not force you to use this or that, it’s pretty flexible, you can use whatever you want (personally I use Postgres and ‘TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE’ type)

For example see docs on autotimestamp behavior. You can modify not only the column names but also a value inserted.

Thank you, I changed it to use:

use yii\db\Expression;

public function behaviors()


return [

    'timestamp' => [

        'class' => TimestampBehavior::className(),

        'attributes' => [

            ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => 'creation_time',

            ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE => 'update_time',


        'value' => new Expression('NOW()'),




I modified created_at and updated_at on tbl_user for DateTime and it works perfectly, thanks again.