Regarding Yii Project Devlopment


I would like to know how can i start development yii with netbean. However i have already downloaded all the software but i did not able to find correct document which suggest me to start my development.

We are developing a big application therefore i would like to know all the aspect of YII framework.

I have download all the book and i have read the document but still i am not able to start development.Since i am new in this field therefore please suggest me good blog and book.


I think that a more simple and light editor (notepad++, pspad on windows or Aptana on Mac)

speed your development.

Post your question.

If you haven’t looked at it already, Larry Ullman’s tutorial is a good start:

Definitely look here, too:

Regarding Netbeans specifically, it will play nicely with Yii, but you may need to add the path to the Yii framework files in your ‘PHP Include Path’ in the project properties.