How can I retrieve the ID of the current module? i.e. like you can do Yii::app()->controller->id to get the controller id. There does not seem to be a Yii::app()->module->id equivalent.
How can I reference a view file that exists in another module? I.e in ‘member/views/enquiry/create.php’ file I want to use ‘renderPartial’ to reference the view ‘_form’ that exists in ‘admin/views/enquiry’.
Yii::app()->controller->module->id. Or inside a controller: $this->module->id. There can be several modules loaded at once, so you have to "ask" a controller, which module it belongs to.
@gstar, I’d love to know the answer to your second question re: rendering another modules view. I’ve asked the similar question here. If you do find an answer it would be great if you could post your solution.