Refresh Webuser Data

I have OO user. It’s look like this one…

class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity


    const ERROR_CONFIRM = 15;


    private $id;

    private $oUser;


     * @return bool|int


    public function authenticate()


        $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_UNKNOWN_IDENTITY; // default

        $oLoader = new LoaderUser();


            ->createCriteria('byUsername', strtolower($this->username))


        if ($oLoader->count() !== 1) {

            $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID;

        } else {

            $oUser = $oLoader->getResult(true);

            $bPassword = CPasswordHelper::verifyPassword($this->password, $oUser->getPassword());

            if (!$bPassword) {

                $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID;

            } elseif (!$oUser->getConfirmStatus()) {

                $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_CONFIRM;

            } else {

                $this->id = $oUser->getID();

                $this->oUser = $oUser;

                $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE;



        return $this->errorCode;



     * @return null|oUser


    public function getUser()


        return $this->oUser;



     * @return string|int


    public function getID()


        return $this->id;



class WebUser extends CWebUser



     * @param string            $sName

     * @param string|array|null $aParam


     * @return mixed

     * @throws Exception


    public function __call($sName, $aParam)


        if ($this->hasState('oUser')) {

            $oUser = $this->getState('oUser');

            if (method_exists($oUser, $sName)) {

                return call_user_func_array(array($oUser, $sName), $aParam);



        return parent::__call($sName, $aParam);



     * @param UserIdentity $oIdentity

     * @param int          $iDuration


     * @return bool|void


    public function login($oIdentity, $iDuration)


        $this->setState('oUser', $oIdentity->getUser());

        parent::login($oIdentity, $iDuration);



And our object oUser

class oUser extends ObjectAbstract implements oUserInterface



     * @param string|int $iID


     * @return $this


    public function loadModelByID($iID)



        return $this;



     * @return bool


    public function isBanned()


        return ($this->getModel()->oBanUser) ? true : false;



     * Проверяет обаладет ли пользователь ролью. Агрумент должен

     * выглядить как Role::ADMIN.


     * @param string $sRole


     * @return bool


    public function hasRole($sRole)


        $bReturn = false;

        $aUserRole = $this->getRoles();

        if ($aUserRole) {

            foreach ($aUserRole as $oUserRole) {

                $oRole = $oUserRole->oRole;

                if ($oRole->name == $sRole || $oRole->name == Role::ADMIN) {

                    $bReturn = true;





        return $bReturn;



     * Проверяет обладает ли пользователь вообще какими либо ролями.


     * @return bool


    public function hasRoles()


        return ($this->getRoles()) ? true : false;



     * @return bool


    public function hasRoleRequests()


        return ($this->getRoleRequests()) ? true : false;



     * @return int


    public function getID()


        return $this->getModel()->id;



     * @return string


    public function getName()


        return $this->getModel()->username;



     * Возвращает массив ролей (UserRole).


     * @return array|mixed|null


    public function getRoles()


        return $this->getModel()->aUserRole;



     * Возвращает массив запросов на роли (UserRoleRequest).


     * @return array|mixed|null


    public function  getRoleRequests()


        $aReturn = null;

        $aRoleRequest = $this->getModel()->aUserRoleRequest;

        if ($aRoleRequest) {

            foreach ($aRoleRequest as $oRoleRequest) {

                if (!$oRoleRequest->dateEnd) {

                    $aReturn[] = $oRoleRequest;




        return $aReturn;



It’s not perfect - I know… So question (but for it’s trouble) is that web user is defined on login. Every F5 on page it takes data from cache… And relations too! For example when I add role, or delete. After refresh it’s still has the roles what were on login. So to refresh the object (oUser) I need to re-login. How to avoid this cache or how to refresh “oUser” on each page refresh?

PS: I can simply not to use relations() to get data, but I want to use them. And I think it’s an option of CActiveRecord no the Yii one.