sorry I know this is a question several times answered, but after a few days I can’t solve the problem.
I need to publish my Yii2 application in a server with a Joomla previously installed.
The joomla .htaccess config file is causing me problems because every request is redirected from mysite.com/resource to mysite.com/en/resource
I have this folder tree in my apache server
.htaccess (for joomla)
I want that when the user writes mysite.com/yiiproject/ the server redirects to my app. By now I can’t achieve it.
I’ve tried several .htaccess configurations.
My best try, was been create this .htacces under the web folder:
RewriteBase /
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/web
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ web/$1 [L]
This configuration goes well but the problem is I must to write directly mysite.com/yiiproject/web and I prefer to hide the /web part
Please, can someone help me?
Thank you.