Redirect Does Not Work

Redirect does not work, I don’t know why, below is the brief code:

	public function actionUpdate($id)


                Yii::app()->language = 'zh_cn';




		if(isset($_POST['DYClass'])) {


		    $this->redirect(array('schedule')); // it didn't redirect after save






Are you sure that isset($_POST[‘DYClass’]) is true?

If yes, then what exactly happens after submit?

Yes, I am sure that isset($_POST[‘DYClass’]) is true, because I tried replacing the redirect code with just “return”, it will return to a blank page.

After submit, it stayed on the update page, didn’t redirect to any other page and didn’t show any error.

The more weird thing is that if I replace the redirect code with echo and return as below, it didn’t return to a blank page with “ok” text either, just stayed on the update page.

        public function actionUpdate($id)


                Yii::app()->language = 'zh_cn';




                if(isset($_POST['DYClass'])) {


                    echo "ok";








Ok, is it just a plain (I mean non-ajax) request?

Can you check what headers are being sent on response? (you can do it for example in google chrome dev console, or firebug)

I used chrome console, wow, how great it is, I never knew that I can use it to debug.

Actually, I am not familiar with ajax. :P

what the error showed in the chrome console when I click the submit button is as below:

[b]Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘sendMessage’ Browser.js:2

 Browser.sendToExtension Browser.js:2

 g init.js:2

 (anonymous function) init.js:4

Uncaught ReferenceError: xl_chrome_menu is not defined xl.js:111

 HideXLMenu xl.js:111


Are you familiar with these errors?

Thanks. :)

Oh, that’s nothing, seems like some browser extension is broken.

Then how should I debug it? Thanks. :)

You can use console to investigate request/response headers, ajax requests and so on.

But first try to turn off ajax and client validation of your form.

I resolved it. haha ~~

I enabled “validateOnSubmit” in form, but in action, I didn’t add validation code:

            if(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax']==='dyclass-form'){

                echo CActiveForm::validate($model);



Thanks for your help. :)