Recursive function for CMenu

I have a database with the following structure:

ID   |   Title    |    Parent ID     |     URL


1    |   Home     |        0         |    /home

2    |   About    |        0         |    /about

3    |   Contact  |        2         |    /contact

I’ve been having an extremely hard time getting a recursive function to work that can hook into CMenu. I can get some arrays to build, but it’s never the right format. Can someone please share their code? Or help me figure out a function that will work with this?

I found a similar article in the wiki (with dropdowns) but that unfortunately did not help me.

Thank you!

This is not totally comnplete (for me) but will give you a good idea on how you can go recursively through menu items

         if (isset($childmenu->menus))

           $subsubmenu  = self::findChildMenus($childmenu);

$childmenu->menus where menus is a relation like this in my model:

		'menus' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Menu', 'menu_id'),

menu_id points to the parent menu item in your case it is Parent ID

class SiteMenu  {


     * @return array of items prepared for CMenu

     * @param model $item

     * Recursively digs in a model to find child menus


    public static function findChildMenus($item)


        $submenu  = array();

        $subsubmenu = array();

        if (isset($item->menus)) {

          foreach ($item->menus as $childmenu) {


              * Again here to add a down arrow span




               * If a child has more child items


             if (isset($childmenu->menus))

               $subsubmenu  = self::findChildMenus($childmenu);

               $linkOption = array();

               if ($childmenu->newwindow === '1')

                  $linkOption['target'] = '_blank';


                 * Check if we have more submenus from here

                 * if so add the class fly to the <a>


                if (!empty($childmenu->menus)) {

                  $linkOption['class'] = 'fly';


                $submenu[]  = array('label' => $childmenu->name,

                                  'url' => self::checkUrl($childmenu),

                                  'items' => $subsubmenu,

                                  'linkOptions' => $linkOption,




        return $submenu;



     * @return valid url

     * @param array $item, which is the actual model passed here


    public static function checkUrl($item)


        $url = '';

        if (!empty($item->permalink)) {

          if (preg_match('/^http:\/\//', $item->permalink))

            $url  = $item->permalink;


             $url  = "http://$item->permalink";

        } else {

          if (!empty($item->page->permalink))

            $url  = array('site/index', 'permalink' => $item->page->permalink);


              $url  = array('site/index', 'id' => $item->page_id);


          return $url;


    public static function top()


      $top[] = array();

      $submenu  = array();


      $model  = Menu::model()->findAll(array(

                'condition' => 'enabled = :enabled AND top = 1',

                'params' => array(':enabled' => 1),

                'order' => 't.order',



      if (empty($model))

        return $top;

      foreach ($model as $item) {

            $url  = self::checkUrl($item);

            $linkOption = array();

            if ($item->top && $item->menu_id == 0) {

                $linkOption['class'] = 'top_link';

                $submenu = self::findChildMenus($item);


               if ($item->newwindow==="1")

                  $linkOption['target'] = '_blank';

                //This is to add the down class to the span element

                $hasSubMenu = false;

                if (!empty($item->menus)) {

                  $hasSubMenu = true;


                //Top Item Options has the class top

                $itemOption = array('class' => 'top');

                $top[] = array('label' => $item->name,

                                      'url' => $url,

                                      'linkOptions' => $linkOption,

                                      'itemOptions' => $itemOption,

                                      'hasSubMenu' => $hasSubMenu,

                                      'items' => $submenu,

                                      'submenuOptions' => array('class' => 'sub'),



            }//If ($item->top)


        return $top;



In your view here's how its used:


          $this->widget('TopMenu', array(

                  'items' => SiteMenu::top(),

                  'id' => 'nav',

                  'linkLabelWrapper' => 'span',



rookie84, this is great but I’m still having a hard time understanding it. I’d imagine the code I need, at its very basic level could be very short. Having that then building off from it will be the best way for me to get a better understanding of this.

This works and pulls in the correct values, however I’m just displaying them as an example. How do I modify this to put this into arrays that can be used in CMenu?


	 * Builds the menu into an array

	 * @param integer $menu_id the menu id

	 * @return array $menu the menu with all items


	public function buildMenu($menu_id)


		echo '<ul>';

		$menu = $this->findChildren(0,$menu_id);

		echo '</ul>';




	 * Recursive function that finds the children of a parent

	 * @param integer $parent_id the parent id

	 * @param integer $menu_id the menu id to search in

	 * @return array $children the array of children


	public function findChildren($parent_id,$menu_id)


		$children = MenuItem::model()->findAll(array(

			'condition'=>'parent_id=:parent_id AND menu_id=:menu_id',




		foreach($children as $child)


			echo '<li>label: '.$child->title.' url: '.$child->url.'</li>';





Thank you!

How about following approach?

Have a class which generated items array that can be directly passed to CMenu.

Here, getMenuItemsRecursive method scans table and generates a complete array which can be passed to CMenu directly.

getMenuItems method can be programmed to include various logics and also have cache implemented for performance boost.


class MyMenu extends CActiveRecord


public &#036;id;

public &#036;title;

public &#036;parentId;

public &#036;url;

public function tableName()


	return 'test.tbl_menu';


public static function model(&#036;className = __CLASS__)


	return parent::model(&#036;className);


public function relations()


	return array(

		'childMenu' =&gt; array(self::HAS_MANY, 'MyMenu', 'parentId'),



public function getMenuItems()


	&#036;result = array(

		'label' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;title,

		'url' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;url,





		&#036;childrens = array();

		foreach(&#036;this-&gt;childMenu as &#036;cm)


			&#036;childrens[] = &#036;cm-&gt;getMenuItems();





			&#036;result['items'] = &#036;childrens;




	return &#036;result;


public static function getMenuItemsRecursive()


	&#036;result = array();

	&#036;models = self::model()-&gt;findAllByAttributes(array('parentId' =&gt; 0));




		foreach(&#036;models as &#036;menu)


			&#036;result[] = &#036;menu-&gt;getMenuItems();




	return &#036;result;



public static function doTest()


	&#036;menuItems = self::getMenuItemsRecursive();


	echo '&lt;pre&gt;';


	echo '&lt;/pre&gt;';





Below is dump of table I used as reference.

-- ----------------------------

-- Table structure for `tbl_menu`

-- ----------------------------


CREATE TABLE `tbl_menu` (

  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

  `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

  `parentId` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

  `url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


-- ----------------------------

-- Records of tbl_menu

-- ----------------------------

INSERT INTO `tbl_menu` VALUES ('1', 'Home', '0', '/home');

INSERT INTO `tbl_menu` VALUES ('2', 'About', '0', '/about');

INSERT INTO `tbl_menu` VALUES ('3', 'Contact', '2', '/contact');

INSERT INTO `tbl_menu` VALUES ('4', 'Services', '0', '/services');

INSERT INTO `tbl_menu` VALUES ('5', 'Programming', '4', '/programming');

INSERT INTO `tbl_menu` VALUES ('6', 'Designing', '4', '/designing');

INSERT INTO `tbl_menu` VALUES ('7', 'PHP', '5', '/php');

INSERT INTO `tbl_menu` VALUES ('8', 'Java', '5', '/java');

Thank you mastermunj and rookie84! I was able to put something together that works great.

Glad you figured it out :)

How rewrite it in DAO?