I have developed with my team a real estate portal which facilitates sellers to post there ads and buyers to send across the queries for the same.
It also provides other functionality like search, advanced search, tell a friend etc.
The url is http://tradeyourproperty.in.
We have been working continuously on the same.
Very good my friend!!
looks nice,
+1 for this.
Quite nice…did you add in any modules/extension?
Looks nice…
do you put your source code on public repository?
Looks nice… good job.
glad to see u done this job amazingly…i m also working on realestate portal…i hope u ll help me through my works…especially how u made refine search…how u refined search result from a data provide thats already given?..anyway congrats …please reply…
Hi Mayank
Do you take up YII development work? Have a project - incase if you are interested. Send an email to me.