RBAC with granular item control

I can’t seem to get my head around RBAC and I’m hoping I can solve the problem by formulating it verbally… if anyone could offer guidance it would be much appreciated.

We create, edit, approve and publish content. I have a scenario with the following entities:


  • $id, $userid, $password, $name, $status… etc


  • $id, $name, $status… etc

=> MANY_MANY - User (in tbl_company_user, has role = Admin or User)

=> HAS_MANY - Project


  • $id, $company_id, $name, $status… etc

=> MANY_MANY - User (in tbl_project_user, has roles = Manager, Editor, Author)

=> BELONGS_TO - Company

=> HAS_MANY - Post


  • $id, $project_id, $name, $status… etc

=> BELONGS_TO - Project

=> HAS_MANY - User (in tbl_post_user, has roles = Editor(any editor in the project!), Author)

Project Managers may invite (assign) company_user to a project.

I could be an Editor in Project 1 and an Author in project 2

I may amend my own Posts - e.g. tbl_post_user I have role Author

I may approve / reject Posts where post_user I have role Editor

I could use RBAC to look at the UNION of tbl_domain_user, tbl_project_user and tbl_post_user

e.g. CREATE VIEW AuthAssignment as

SELECT ( ‘Project_’+project_id+’_’+role_id as itemname, user_id as userid from tbl_project_user )


SELECT ( ‘Post_’+post_id+’_’+role_id as itemname, user_id as userid from tbl_post_user )

I would then use checkAccess( "<$model><$id><$action>" , $user->id ) to know if a user can access this particular object / action combo…


[/u]- Am I on the right track?

  • How did you do it?

  • Any other suggestions?

Ultimately, I would like a permissions model that :

  • indexAction - shows me all the posts I’m allowed to see ( i.e. filters the model->findAll() for me )

  • seeAction - now I’m in the item, what an I do? Edit , approve, or simply just look

Many thanks for reading this far… ! ;)

Or perhaps I should have AuthItem as a view over the post_user table as well?

From: http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/rbac-manager/

$this->checkAccessByData('anyRole', array('pet'=>'doc', 'number'=>123));

seems to be helpfull…

Take a look at ACL for fine-grained and advanced access control.


Why not use “Bizuness rules” to check for association of user to project or the like? That’s exactly what they are there for and I think that could simplify your design.

@zeroByte the link is broken - could you please update? Or perhaps attach the file to your response?

@Boaz - this works for individual items at CRUD level, but I struggle to see how it can be used in the index action. I need to restrict access in the list view also.


I have a scope field in each table. So each record has its own scope.


scope = 0 (Fully restricted, user can not CRUD this record; system record.)

scope = 1 (Semi restricted, user can read record and use it in a relation to a FK, but user may not update or delete it.)

scope = 2 (User record, user may CRUD.)

Then I have permissions consisting of:





The user gets permissions (via roles).





So if the user goes to actionIndex in the redController, you can determine that the user may only view records with scope 1 and 2. In actionUpdate you will see that the user can only update records with scope 2.

So this is record-level RBAC. But, it might not be granular enough.


I am stuck in Chapter 8 of ‘Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5’

I executed rbac command successfully on cmd prompt but When I click on ‘Add user to Project’. It says

Error 403

You are not authorized to per-form this action.

Help me out.

my ProjectController.php code is as follow


class ProjectController extends Controller



 * @var string the default layout for the views. Defaults to '//layouts/column2', meaning

 * using two-column layout. See 'protected/views/layouts/column2.php'.


public &#036;layout='//layouts/column2';


 * @return array action filters


public function filters()


	return array(

		'accessControl', // perform access control for CRUD operations

		'postOnly + delete', // we only allow deletion via POST request




 * Specifies the access control rules.

 * This method is used by the 'accessControl' filter.

 * @return array access control rules


public function accessRules()


	return array(

		array('allow',  // allow all users to perform 'index' and 'view' actions




		array('allow', // allow authenticated user to perform 'create' and 'update' actions




		array('allow', // allow admin user to perform 'admin' and 'delete' actions




		array('deny',  // deny all users








 * Displays a particular model.

 * @param integer &#036;id the ID of the model to be displayed





public function actionView(&#036;id)






  • Displays a particular model.


public function actionView($id)


$issueDataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider(‘Issue’, array(












 * Creates a new model.

 * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.


public function actionCreate()


	&#036;model=new Project;

	// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

	// &#036;this-&gt;performAjaxValidation(&#036;model);












 * Updates a particular model.

 * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.

 * @param integer &#036;id the ID of the model to be updated


public function actionUpdate(&#036;id)



	// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

	// &#036;this-&gt;performAjaxValidation(&#036;model);












 * Deletes a particular model.

 * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'admin' page.

 * @param integer &#036;id the ID of the model to be deleted


public function actionDelete(&#036;id)



	// if AJAX request (triggered by deletion via admin grid view), we should not redirect the browser


		&#036;this-&gt;redirect(isset(&#036;_POST['returnUrl']) ? &#036;_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin'));



 * Lists all models.


public function actionIndex()


	&#036;dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Project');






 * Manages all models.


public function actionAdmin()


	&#036;model=new Project('search');

	&#036;model-&gt;unsetAttributes();  // clear any default values








 * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.

 * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.

 * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded


public function loadModel(&#036;id)




		throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');

	return &#036;model;



 * Performs the AJAX validation.

 * @param CModel the model to be validated


protected function performAjaxValidation(&#036;model)


	if(isset(&#036;_POST['ajax']) &amp;&amp; &#036;_POST['ajax']==='project-form')


		echo CActiveForm::validate(&#036;model);




public function actionAdduser(&#036;id)



$form=new ProjectUserForm;

$project = $this->loadModel($id);

if(!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess(‘createUser’, array(‘project’=>$project)))


throw new CHttpException(403,‘You are not authorized to per-form this action.’);


// collect user input data




$form->project = $project;

// validate user input and set a sucessfull flassh message if valid



Yii::app()->user->setFlash(‘success’,$form->username . " has been added to the project." );

$form=new ProjectUserForm;



// display the add user form

$users = User::model()->findAll();


foreach($users as $user)




$form->project = $project;

$this->render(‘adduser’,array(‘model’=>$form, ‘usernames’=>$usernames));


