Rbac Question

Hi everyone,

I have been using Yii for more than a year and I’m quite happy with it.

Never had run into problem to ask about until now.

At the moment the RBAC model and the permissions are working okey, though,

I don’t fully understand the mechanics of the RBAC:

  1. I do have modules with one controller each and some actions on everyone. Im parsing the actions as operations and the modules as tasks.

    $auth->createOperation(‘submit’,‘save xml file’);

    $task=$auth->createTask(‘edit’,‘Edit XML file’);




At first i thought that i could then call the accessRules method in the controller like this:


        'roles' => 'administrator',


and Yii would search for a ‘administrator’ that had the tasks associated which contained the action I was trying to access, i.e. trying to submit and if I was admin it allows me to.

But this wasn’t the case and I figured out that I could do as follows:



        'expression' => 'Yii::app()->user->checkAccess("submit")',


This does work, but I don’t know if this is “the way” to do it, (I do have to repeate this code for each action).


  you have to associate the security tokens with access rules,

  if I create a submit from task module for instance, yii can't know from whom is that submit

Are this assumptions right?

‘Tasks’ is just a layer to organize and pack operations?

  1. How can I limit the submit action depending on which file I’m editing? with bizRules associated to the operations? is it possible to pass parameters from the accessRules:

         'expression' => 'Yii::app()->user->checkAccess("submit", $ref)',

    $bizRule=’ return $ref == “reference” ? true : false’;

    $auth->createOperation(‘submit’,‘save xml file’, $bizRule);

    $task=$auth->createTask(‘edit’,‘Edit XML file’);




Thanks in advance folks.
