Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I am using windows 10 professional, PHP 7.4 and MySQL 8. When I run the RBAC migration script, it does not pause for a (Yes|No) input so it can create the tables. It goes straight to the c:\ prompt.
Total 3 new migrations to be applied:
Apply the above migrations? (yes|no) [no]:
PS C:\projects\www\test>_
Thanks @tri! Really appreciate your help. I had other debugging issues as well with xdebug and php 7.4. The debugger kept firing without any debug session being triggered. I have reverted back to php 7.2 and everything works normal again. Thanks again!
Well I am using Windows 10 Wampserver version 3.2.0 - 64bit - services PHP version 7.2 there’s a problem with initialization I cant input [0] for development or [1] for production. It Just Quits the initialization and i am back to square one.