Rbac And Sql Server 2008

Goodmorning to you all,

I’m new to the forum and I’m new to Yii.

I’m starting to develop an application on a Windows system with IIS7 and Sql Server 2008 Express.

Connecting to db is fine and I can do almost everything.

I’m having trouble with rbac based on Db and I can’t figure out if I’m missing something or this is not supported for my enviroment.

First I tried to use extensions like srbac and similar but they all failed while working on the database. At first I thought that they all were not written with SQL server in mind and I looked at the schema for mssql in



 * Database schema required by CDbAuthManager.


 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>

 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/

 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008 Yii Software LLC

 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

 * @since 1.0


drop table if exists [AuthAssignment];

drop table if exists [AuthItemChild];

drop table if exists [AuthItem];

create table [AuthItem]


   [name]                 varchar(64) not null,

   [type]                 integer not null,

   [description]          text,

   [bizrule]              text,

   [data]                 text,

   primary key ([name])


create table [AuthItemChild]


   [parent]               varchar(64) not null,

   [child]                varchar(64) not null,

   primary key ([parent],[child]),

   foreign key ([parent]) references [AuthItem] ([name]) on delete cascade on update cascade,

   foreign key ([child]) references [AuthItem] ([name]) on delete cascade on update cascade


create table [AuthAssignment]


   [itemname]             varchar(64) not null,

   [userid]               varchar(64) not null,

   [bizrule]              text,

   [data]                 text,

   primary key ([itemname],[userid]),

   foreign key ([itemname]) references [AuthItem] ([name]) on delete cascade on update cascade


But if I try to run this sql on my sqlserver 2008 I get two different errors:

  • the drop table statement has syntax error

  • the create authitemchild throws an error with the foreign key

Basically it tells me that sql server cannot have a double reference (parent and child) on same field (AuthItem.name).

So I’m wondering if I’m missing something or if it is not possible to have a db based rbac on sql server 2008.

Any help would be appreciated!

Does anybody have a clue on that?