Ranking function taking up too much memory, any suggestions?

I have a table called entries like so





This function selects the IDs from a list of "entries" and puts them into an array sorted by "total_entries" excluding anyone marked as a "cheater" and also only including entries inside a single "contest_id"

Then it returns a smaller array of 5 ranks.

However, i’m getting out of memory errors when I use this function.

Any thoughts on how to improve it?

public static function five_ranks($id)



		// $id is the id of the user


		$user_search = Entries::findOne($id);

		$email = $user_search->email;

		$contest_id = $user_search->contest_id;


	$find = Entries::find()->where(['contest_id' => $contest_id])->andWhere(['cheater' => 0])->orderBy('total_entries DESC, id DESC')->all();

		$arr = array();


		foreach($find as $t)


		    $arr[] = $t->id;



		$total_contestants = count($arr);






		$key = array_search($id, $arr); // $key = 2;

		//$key = array_search('red', $array);


		$five_ranks_array = array();


		if (($key) < 5)


			// he's ranked in the top 6


			$five_ranks_array = array_slice($arr, 0, 5);


			//return $arr;


			return $five_ranks_array;






			$x = 1;


			while ($x >= 0)


				$five_ranks_array[] = $arr[$key - $x];




			if ($total_contestants >= 5)



				$x = 1;


				while ($x <= 4)


					$five_ranks_array[] = $arr[$key + $x];






			return $five_ranks_array;




		//return $five_ranks_array; 


It’s only a guess, but the problem should be found outside of the function, I mean, in the code that calls this function.