Quick comparison of Yii, Kohana and CodeIgniter

I just wrote a quick comparison of Yii, Kohana and CodeIgniter:


Hopefully new comers to the community would find it useful. :)

If you've found any mistakes, please let me know and I'll update the article accordingly.


Thank you for the well-written and in-depth review! Most of your verdicts on Yii are accurate, although incomplete. I recommend you to try Yii in a real project. Sometimes, a simple 'excellent' or 'good' conclusion based on reading documentation is still too coarse. Thanks!

I actually found YII through your article :)

mmm kohana have module support …mmmmmm

I need A framework for FULL support modules anyone know something??

What is lacking in Yii's module?

well, the learn curve is high to people begining understand docs in another tongue diferent from birth-mother tongue… (like me and …people around the w…)


thats I think is a ONE SINGLE working SAMPLE say more that hundred of docs,

sample is to understant logic, docs is to expanding… I think

the learn concept: from the knowed to unknowed this is best way.

not found an simple module sample,  … extensions, all is extensions… this is a diferent way I think, I have a 80 modules currently in my own framework, and I am thinking how to move all modules to this new YII framework…


I am try understanding modules at YII from last 2 days, and I found this:




and 3-4 post talking about modules… nothing more…

at simple review the link


kohana have docens of modules samples…

I know the hard work YII time is spend to maintenace, this proyect, but a simples modules test…  a litle code… is wather in the decert to me… I thing to Hundred of people with business orientation for producing medium aplications developing with  a time, task separate,

1 dev work on 2 modules versions 1.2, 2,3

another dev is working on 3 modules, etc…

the modular way I think is the Basic, that is the understand at zend framework people, that the system natively support modules, and have full samples…

why I am still here? for ONE reason, the benchmark test results, the HOPE …



any help is wellcome…


Performance should not be the reason, at least not the only reason.

Because the module feature was only introduced less than a few weeks ago, it is natural that you may not find many posts about it. And even the documentation is very sketchy.

One thing I want to point out is that the module concept in Kohana is different from that in Yii. In Yii, it is called extension which is a software unit that aims to be reused in various projects.

The module concept in Yii represents a subsystem. If it is self-contained, it may also be called as an extension. Working with a module is really like working with an application, as you may already tell from the skeleton code generated by the 'yiic' module command. And that command already gives you a good starting point.

Anyway, if you have any technical questions, feel free to ask here.

really interesting this concept…


thanks for comments, I try to merge in 'extensions concept'

