Question on Redirect


I need to validate before an record can be deleted, my validation code put inside the actioneDelete(), if after I perform checking and denied the delete, how can I redirect user to previous page?

I search only found


Can I return user to the page (referrer) before he click the deletion ?


Are you using linkButton?

Yes, exactly, it is generated by crud.

echo CHtml::linkButton('Delete accounts',array('submit'=>array('delete','id'=>$model->acc_id),'confirm'=>'Are you sure?'));


I can’t figure out what you want.

linkButton refreshs current page.

protected function processAdminCommand()





I think you can store the previous page information in session.

I am refering to this section of code (generated by yii crud) :

public function actionDelete()




		// we only allow deletion via POST request





		throw new CHttpException(400,'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.');


The linkButton is actually located under "index.php?r=controller_name/show&id=1"

I added a if condition to validate before delete

public function actionDelete()




		// we only allow deletion via POST request

		if(myValidate()) {



		} else {

			# Delete is denied, and now should redirect to previous page

			# but I not sure how to, if keep the previous page inside session

			# require additional work/maintenance, just try to use any

			# function/method the come with Yii.




		throw new CHttpException(400,'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.');


Any ideas?

Did you try:


You should check that urlReferrer is what you really want.

Yes, it works! This is what I looking at… Thanks you all guys !! :lol: