I think I didn’t explain it well, what’s happening is, this query is getting rows which applies to ‘condition 3’ but don’t apply to ‘condition 2’, and I only need rows that apply to both ‘condition 2’ and ‘condition 3’.
It’s like if I could turn ‘condition 2’ and ‘condition 3’ to being a single condition.
For some context, I don’t want to bring rows where name field has the word “Refund” AND paymentOption is “other”. What’s happening is, the query is not bringing rows that don’t have “Refund” in name and have different values in paymentOption. It only brings rows that don’t have “Refund” in name and have “other” in paymentOption.
I want all rows except the ones that contains “Refund” in name field AND have “other” in paymentOption field. This means that I don’t want rows which fills BOTH of these conditions. And it is currently not bringing rows that have a different value in paymentOption, only rows that have “others” in paymentOption.