Thank you very much. I have not notice that readme.me should be in lowercase, because it worked OK on github and packagist.
There is one more issue with images - I am not sure if that could be fixed but here is description:
Images are often placed into github repo and then included via markdown e.g. into README.MD file.
For example image screen-yii2-rangePlusMinus.gif which would be included like 
will resolve:
on github.com to /lubosdz/yii2-ui-range-plus-minus/raw/master/screen-yii2-rangePlusMinus.gif
on packagist.com to https://rawcdn.githack.com/lubosdz/yii2-ui-range-plus-minus/HEAD/screen-yii2-rangePlusMinus.gif
Do you think that it could resolve to one of the two URL bases - either github or packagist?
For example during publishing first check whether link is absolute (contains “http” protocol or starts with “//”), if not then
prepend github base and check loading via file_get_contents()
if not found then try the packagist base ?
I have noticed on couple of other extensions broken image links too …
(FYI - FF hides broken images, chrome shows)
Or how would you advise to publish images - always use abs. links and some free image hosting … ?
Thank you.