I have recently create the germancrudcommand extension, which generates all strings in german - but obviously this isn’t very efficient cause we wouldn’t want a extension for every language around - and don’t want to build an own yiic command for every available Version of yii around.
That’s why i have made some thoughts on how to make the yiic webapp and yiic crud Generator even more intelligent and i came to the conclusion, that this shouldn’t really be difficult!
Why don’t we just generate our default Web-Skeleton with Yii:t(‘app’, ‘This is the english default string’) everywhere, where a string occurs?
After this, we create a messages/<lang>/app.php containing our most default webapp/crud strings.
Pro: We only need to add these strings to our messages/<lang>.php - once and for all time. This translations would be shipped along with the whole bunch of translations already available with Yii.
Cons: The ‘default’ Web-App is capable of i18n even if we don’t want/need it. This is some (minor?) overhead.
To solve the cons, we could make it optional, something like php yiic webapp --with-i18n resp. crud MODEL --with-i18n
Does this make sense?
If so - i would really be happy to make such an extension, maybe in mid of February, and maybe, if this feature get’s tested and bug-free we could think about moving this to yii-core (maybe 1.2)…