Problem With Php 5.4.27


I have a problem, the development server that has php version 5.4.24 and the server have updated to php 5.4.27 and now yii not work well.

It has happened to some of you this, problem.

I would appreciate any suggestion or solution.


// Lo coloco tambien en español por si alguien pudiera ayudar

tengo un problema, el servidor en el que desarrollo tiene la version php 5.4.24 y el server lo han actualizado a la php 5.4.27 , y yii no funciona ahora bien.

Le ha ocurrido a alguno de vosotros este , problema.

os agradeceria cualquier sugerencia o solucion.


Any details? error logs?

Just do not load the main layout, so I’ve seen and the styles are not loaded

Can be caused by error in widget.

Check application log, webserver log and source of HTML page to find what’s caused this.

I know this is a random thought, but have did you upload the assets folder to the production server also. Maybe it’s an incompatibility within it.