Problem Using Cdbexpression In Rules

Hi all,

I am working with an ActiveRecord that I would like to update it’s timestamp value in a certain situation. The best way I found to do this was to create a scenario, and add this rule for that scenario

class item extends CActiveRecord



   return array(


      array('removed','default','value'=>new CDbExpression('NOW()'),'setOnEmpty'=>false,'on'=>'delete'),





class ItemController extends CController



   public function actionDelete($id) 


      $model = $this->loadModel($id);

      $model->scenario = 'delete';

      if( $model->save() ) 

         echo CJSON::encode( $model->attributes );




So now the value for ‘removed’ when I echo the attributes for the model is as follows



   "removed": {

      "expression": "NOW()",

      "params": []




But then on further requests for the object the time stamp value is indeed correct.



   "removed": "2013-07-15 17:34:40",



So really this problem is easily fixed by doing a second look up on the object. However, it would be nice if the actual attributes for the model were consistent with the CDbExpression action.
