Problem On Using Tbdatepicker On Dialog Box Cjuidialogbox

hi guys

I updated my yiibooster extension and now have some problems on my project.

I have tbgridview on admin page. On the same page I have button which open dialog box “create ‘model’ form”. and here I have a problem.

One of the field of model is birthday field. I am using tbdatepicker for this field. When user click on this field datepicker opened on tbgridview filter not on dialog field.

Before updating everything was worked.

As I understand tbgridview filter field id is the same as field id on dialog box. But I am wondering how did it work before?

Any help be appreciated.


help me! :rolleyes:

Did you change id of one of the elements? Does it work now?

"But I am wondering how did it work before?"

When we select an element by id, JavaScript always gets a first element with corresponding id. Maybe the html-elements changed their order and an element which had the first position in DOM now has the second position.

I don’t know how to properly change id of element, because I used standart widgets, and I don’t see how to set id.

You should just add an array with properties.

For example:

echo $form->datepickerRow($model, 'birthday', array('id' => 'yourUniqueId'));

Thank you Sergey for your help, it work for me.
