Problem of syntax?

Hello, i would like to place a texfield in a gridview to create a new element in my table with the value of a table, but i don’t know the syntax, i tried many ways of doing this, by putting " or ’ but i alaways have an error

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(











				'value'=> "CHtml::submitButton('$parent->isNewRecord' ? 'Create' : 'Save')",





i dnt know is it possible or not…

this is the code for putting a Link… it needs ,‘class’=>‘CLinkColumn’,









like that CActiveForm is for textField(),

Look this

try this way…im not sure…



textfield and submitbutton are defined in CHtml …

The problem is that i would like to keep this line


i would like to put this form into my CGridView, but i think it is just a problem with " ’

but it also tells me there is an error because $form doesn’t have texfield method. which is false because when i use it out of the CGridView , it works perfectly

use like this









refer CHtml …

try this







and for Button


        'value'=>'CHTML::button(\'Remove\',  array(\'submit\' => Yii::app()->createUrl("ur controller/action name", array("id"=>$data->id))))',




I tried this , but got an error,

PHP notice

Undefined variable: parent

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(		'id'=>'child-grid',		'dataProvider'=>$parent->search(),		'columns'=>array(						array(				'name'=>'KU_ID',							),			array(					'header'=>'Name',					'value'=>'CHTML::textField($parent->KU_ID,$parent->KU_ID)',					'type'=>'raw',					'htmlOptions'=>array('width'=>'20px'),				),			array(				'value'=> "CHtml::submitButton('$parent->isNewRecord' ? 'Create' : 'Save')",				'type'=>'raw',			),				),	)); 

anyway, using this method won’t enable me to put the value into my $form variable won’t it?

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(














				'value'=> "CHtml::submitButton('$parent->isNewRecord' ? 'Create' : 'Save')",





use $data…not $parent…

it will work…

u can use it…dont worry.

use $data…not $parent…

it will work…

u can use it…dont worry.

use $data…not $parent…

it will work…

u can use it…dont worry.

sorry i mean not $form, use $parent-> . . .

put a form

echo CHtml::beginForm();







echo CHtml::endForm();

then it will post to the action u specified…

use submit button code like i said earlier …

echo CHtml::beginForm();

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(













                                'value'=>'CHTML::button(\'Remove\',  array(\'submit\' => Yii::app()->createUrl("ur controller/action name", array("id"=>$data->id))))',






echo CHtml::endForm();

my path for the associated controler is


and the method i want to use is actionCreate()

do y have to do it like this?


                            'value'=>'CHTML::button(\'Add\',  array(\'submit\' => Yii::app()->createUrl("/controllers/Key_userController/actionCreate()", array("KU_ID"=>$data->KU_ID))))',




No man …


                            'value'=>'CHTML::button(\'Add\',  array(\'submit\' => Yii::app()->createUrl("Key_user/Create", array("KU_ID"=>$data->KU_ID))))',




Thanks a lot,

In fact , this table have 3 fields to fill in , i would like , when the user press the button , reload the same page and add the new line i just put , how do i send multiple variable? like it?

how do i Recover the text i put in my texfield?


                            'value'=>'CHTml::button(\'Add\',  array(\'submit\' => Yii::app()->createUrl("key_user/create", array("KU_ID"=>$data->KU_ID))))',




the method create re direct me to the create form , but i wouldn’t like to have to re type the things i had just type in my form , how should i do?

i didnt get u…

create a button outside…remove buttons from grid view…post all textfield values at a time …

how do you post them?


echo CHtml::beginForm();