Problem For Showing Image In Cgridview

(Sorry for my english)

this is my cgridview

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(




       // 'afterAjaxUpdate' => 'reinstallDatePicker', // (#1)



            'class' => 'CCheckBoxColumn',

            'selectableRows' => 2,

            'checkBoxHtmlOptions' => array(

                'name' => 'ids[]',



		'logo',  // this is the image 






logo attribute are showing name on my database such as (1222-test.jpg) plz chk attach file

my image saving path is (myapp/protected/user_uploads/uploads),

Check this URL for solution

I tested this code but error occured, plz chk attach!

Replace ‘logo’,

to this:


  array('name'=>'logo','value'=>' "<img src=\'{$data->logo}\'>" ', 'html'=>true),  // this is the image 


Property "CDataColumn.html" is not defined. error showing


I did wrong

try this:


array('name'=>'logo','value'=>' "<img src=\'{$data->logo}\'>" ', 'type'=>'html'),  // this is the image 


Thnk you so much for your helps ( VINAY, kumarkulandai)