Problame In Dropdown List With Autocomplete


I need a auto complete text box with drop down list like This Example. Actualy the 3 rd example in this link I need .

For doing this

1st : I add a page named XSuggestAction.php in extensions/actions directory add put the following code:


class XSuggestAction extends CAction



* @var string name of the model class.


public $modelName;


* @var string name of the method of model class that returns data.


public $methodName;


* @var integer maximum number of rows to be returned


public $limit=20;


* Suggests models based on the current user input.


public function run()





echo CJSON::encode($suggest);




* @return CActiveRecord


protected function getModel()


return CActiveRecord::model($this->modelName);





2nd :[/b] Then I add following code in My Controller page :

public function actions()


        return array(







3rd : Then I add following code in my Model page :

    public function suggest($keyword,$limit=20)



           'condition'=>'product_name LIKE :keyword',

           'order'=>'product name',





           foreach($models as $model) {

             $suggest[] = array(


                'product_sale_rate'=>$model->product_sale_rate, // return values from autocomplete



return $suggest;


4th : I add the following code in my view page which is _form.php


$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiAutoComplete', array(










        'select'=>"js:function(event, ui) {










and Add the following code in same page :

	<div class="row" id="sale_rate">

		<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'product_sale_rate'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->textField($model,'product_sale_rate'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->error($model,'product_sale_rate'); ?>


Now problem is nothing happens when I write some thing in the text field . I want a drop down list of my product which i get from Product model and the price of that particular product shows in the text field whose id is sale_rate .

Plz help me . I Attach my codes With this post . thnx .