Prevent Unselect Cgridview Ajax

I have a cgridview who allows multiple row selection. On selectionChanged I do an ajax call which do some calculation with the selected rows and put the result in a hidden field. The problem is that my cgridview loses the selection when I do an ajax call even if the ajax call don’t do anything with the grid. How can i keep the selection in the grid?

Try this extension.

Is there a simple way to resolve my problem without using an extension?

Not a simple way. I’ve done something like the following in previous projects:

<? $this->widget('zii.grid.CGridView', array(





)); ?>

<script type="text/javascript">

	var itemGridSelection = [];

	function itemGridBeforeAjaxUpdate(id, options)


		itemGridSelection = $('#itemGridView').yiiGridView('getSelection');


	function itemGridAfterAjaxUpdate(id, data)


		for (i = 0; i < itemGridSelection.length; i++)

			$('#itemGridView tbody :checkbox[value=' + itemGridSelection[i] + ']').attr('checked', true);



I can’t remember how well it worked, but it might give you a starting point.

I wish I could understand why I lose selection when i don’t renderPartial the grid or anything like that, any ideas?

I don’t use checkbox, but maybe i’ll have to so i can implement your suggestion. Thanks for the help

Your solution didn’t work for me, beforeAjaxUpdate and afterAjaxUpdate are never call because i don’t have an ajax update at the grid

Can you show the code you’re using to do the AJAX call?

In my grid I have

'selectionChanged' => "function(id) 





and selecoesAlteradas I have



        url: '/compromissoFinanceiro/atualizarGridRenegociacao',

        type: 'POST',

        dataType: 'json',

        data: {idsCompromissosRenegociados: idsCompromissosRenegociados},







        alert("Erro ao atualizar o grid de compromissos renegociados");


If i comment the ajax call the grid does not lose selection. If I do any ajax call, doesn’t matter which, the grid loses selection

Your selection shouldn’t be changing unless you’re refreshing the grid.

Try refactoring your selectionChanged code into a function and see if that helps:

'selectionChanged' => 'gridSelectionChanged', // <- no brackets after the function name

<script type="text/javascript">

    function gridSelectionChanged(id)





    function selecoesAlteradas()





Found the problem, it was an internal script from our company who was removing the selection after every ajax request.

Thanks for all the help man