Source Code Released

Hi, people.

We just released our company website ( source code to the community.

The idea behind this is just to help new YII users to learn from a real project.

The content is only in Spanish (and that won’t change ever) but the code (PHP methods, controllers, actions, DB tables/fields) is all in English.

You are free to clone the project, explore it, improve it and learn from it (or really not :P ).

We hope you can use this and help us to get better making suggestions and reporting bugs too.

So, the repo:

Hola, gente!

Acabamos de lanzar el código fuente del sitio web de nuestra compañia ( a la comunidad.

La idea detrás de esto es ayudar a nuevos usuarios de YII a aprender de un proyecto real.

El contenido es en Español (y nunca va a cambiar) pero el código en sí (métodos PHP, controllers, actions, tablas/campos de la DB) está todo en Inglés.

Son libres de clonar el proyecto, explorarlo, mejorarlo y aprender de él (o no realmente :P ).

Esperamos que puedan usarlo y también ayudarnos a mejorar haciéndonos sugerencias y reportando errores.

Entonces, el repo:


good works

Thank you so much, yiqing95! :)

Status update: we just improved a little the setup information.

Hope it’s clearer now (it was sort of incompleted before, sorry).

good, i will also make my one project open source…

Thanks! I can’t wait to look at it… :)

Whoww… great… thank you Luciano for sharing.

Yeahh… i can’wait too… ;)

Hi @Luciano,

I’ve finished guide at github[dot]com[slash]pressEnter[slash]www with no errors, but I go localhost[slash]pressEnter only, another link cannot enter, your system always push me to localhost[slash]xampp

Plz help me! I use XAMPP 1.7.1 for Windows

I’m so sorry to my english


Nice work Luciano !!

… how come you don’t provide “Capacitaciones para Yii” ? :lol:



Hi there! I am glad to hear you are testing the project!!! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much!

I’ve never check the site under Windows, but I think it may be an issue with Apache’s mod_rewrite module…or maybe the .htaccess file…

Could you test this url form -> http://localhost/pressEnter/?r=training (adapt it to your local url).

Haha, thanks!

Maybe we could do that… :rolleyes:

Oh really nice work.

this really Opensource mind.:D

Really nice !