Portable Db Migrations

Hi all!

How do you write DB migrations that are meant to work on different databases? You know, sometimes they just need different dialects…

For example, I had to create a table with a MEDIUMTEXT column and liked to index that column. So, for mysql I needed something like INDEX( column(length) ), because mysql will only create an index for a prefix of the text. SQLite doesn’t allow INDEX statements in the CREATE TABLE statement itself. Instead, you need a separate CREATE INDEX. And they know nothing about index prefix lengths…

What I actually ended up doing was something like this in my migration:

class SomeMigration extends CDbMigration


  public function safeUp()


    $driver = $this->dbConnection->driverName;

    switch ($driver)


    case 'sqlite':



    case 'mysql':




        throw ...



  private function _safeUp_sqlite()


    $this->createTable( 'table', array(

      'id'      => 'pk',

      'textCol' => 'MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL',


    $this->createIndex( 'idx-table-textCol', 'table', 'textCol' );


  private function _safeUp_mysql()


    $this->createTable( 'table', array(

      'id'      => 'pk',

      'textCol' => 'MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL',

      'INDEX( textCol(255) )',




Can anyone think of another approach? Or are you doing it the same way?

Hi Ben

I saw that you visited my profile, so I visited yours and found your post without a reply.

The way I do it is similar, but my migrations depend on this base class directly:


class MyDbMigration extends CDbMigration {

    protected $MySqlOptions = 'ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8';

    protected $MySqliteOptions = '';

    protected $dbOptions = '';

    public function dbType()


        list($type) = explode(':',Yii::app()->db->connectionString);

        return $type;


    private function initDb() {

        switch($this->dbType()) {

            case 'mysql':



            case 'sqlite':





    public function comment($comment) {

        if($this->dbType() === "mysql")

            return " COMMENT ".Yii::app()->db->quoteValue($comment);


    public function __construct() {



    public function createTable($table, $columns,$options="mydboptions") {

        if($options==="mydboptions"||strpos($options,' COMMENT')==0) {

[size=2]            $tOptions=$this->dbOptions;[/size]

[size=2]            if(strpos($options,' COMMENT')===0) {[/size]



            parent::createTable($table, $columns,$tOptions);

        } else {

[size=2]            parent::createTable($table, $columns,$options);[/size]




And I use it like this (notice the use of $this->comment()):


class m130427_195619_add_initial_credit_info extends MyDbMigration


    public function up()


        $this->addColumn(SubscriptionCredit::model()->tableName(), 'end_date_initial', 'datetime'.$this->comment('Initial end date when the credit was added.'));



        SubscriptionCredit::model()->updateAll(array('end_date_initial'=>new CDbExpression('end_date')));


    public function down()


        $this->dropColumn(SubscriptionCredit::model()->tableName(), 'end_date_initial');

        return true;



     // Use safeUp/safeDown to do migration with transaction

    public function safeUp()



    public function safeDown()





The idea is that this class gets extended as needs evolve - for instance your index issue. I would try to identify a reuseable way to do that, like I did for the comments.

I also forgot to mention that my ‘commands/templates/migrate.php’ has this content so that I do not have to update the class manually when I create a migration:


class {ClassName} extends MyDbMigration


    public function up()



    public function down()


        echo "{ClassName} does not support migration down.\\n";

        return false;



     // Use safeUp/safeDown to do migration with transaction

    public function safeUp()



    public function safeDown()





Thanks mate! Wouldn’t have expected someone will be sharing their thoughts on this after the first few days passed without response.

I agree, instead of writing that migrations several times (once for each target DB), I should try to collect functionality so it can be reused. Maybe a "createPartialIndex" method in my case, that falls back to normal createIndex() for sqlite, but does some custom work for mysql.

And also thanks for that hint about the template. Somehow, I never noticed MigrateCommand::$templateFile, but it definitely comes in handy. Seems like the whole system.cli package is missing in the online API.