
Hi friend

Am karthik am in new one in Yii framework…

i have one doubt can able to create popwindow using Yii

Anyone Guide me.


I’m not sure what you’re specifically after, but:

  • For a link that opens in a new tab, use CHtml::link() with $htmlOptions including the entry ‘target’=>’_blank’. I believe the target attribute is valid again in HTML5 and this has very good browser support.

  • For a link that uses javascript to pop up a new window, you’ll need to create your own method as Yii doesn’t have a built in way to do this. There’s an extension here that you could try.

  • For a pop up dialog box, look at CJuiDialog.

very happy to your reply.thanks for help


    function editTest(id)


// alert(obj);

		window.open ('index.php?r=site/contact&amp;headerCode=' + id,'nom_interne_de_la_fenetre', 

		config='height=800, width=900,centerScreen=1 toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no')




<?php echo CHtml::button(‘Edit’, array(




this is my code .

helping for some

thanks :)