Please help me with Cookie

Hi all. I want my website to show the colorbox on the first visit. After searching the sollution for a while, i decided to use the cookie to check whether it is the first visit or not. This is my code :

    $cookie = (isset(Yii::app()->request->cookies['web_visited'])) ? Yii::app()->request->cookies['web_visited']->value : '';


    if($cookie == '')






                $.fn.colorbox({href:'index.php?r=site/login&s=1', open:true});



        $colorbox = $this->widget('application.extensions.colorpowered.ColorBox');


            ->addInstance('.colorbox', array('maxHeight'=>'80%', 'maxWidth'=>'80%'));

        Yii::app()->request->cookies['web_visited'] = new CHttpCookie('web_visited', 'yes');


But every time i reload the page the colorbox keeps on showing, meaning that I fail to set the cookie.

And if i set the cookie before calling the colorbox, the colorbox doesnt show.

    $cookie = (isset(Yii::app()->request->cookies['web_visited'])) ? Yii::app()->request->cookies['web_visited']->value : '';


    if($cookie == '')


        Yii::app()->request->cookies['web_visited'] = new CHttpCookie('web_visited', 'yes');





                $.fn.colorbox({href:'index.php?r=site/login&s=1', open:true});



        $colorbox = $this->widget('application.extensions.colorpowered.ColorBox');


            ->addInstance('.colorbox', array('maxHeight'=>'80%', 'maxWidth'=>'80%'));



Does anyone know how to fix this? Please advice =) thanks

Oops, im sorry, my fault. I forgot to add the ->value when checking the cookie.


Now it works well. Thanks =)