Hi everyone,
This is my first public website powered by Yii.
Powered by latest version of Yii. We use Yii for front-end and simple CMS part too.
If you find this website slow, this is because our (Indonesia’s) low bandwidth connection.
Hi everyone,
This is my first public website powered by Yii.
Powered by latest version of Yii. We use Yii for front-end and simple CMS part too.
If you find this website slow, this is because our (Indonesia’s) low bandwidth connection.
Cool man, good work…
it’s back-end use yii to?
yeah, that’s a damn right! poor indonesiaaa…
Yes it is, using modified Yii’s CRUD output plus self-made user interface.
keren banget bro, yii is the best
Oh yii!
wow, keren banget!
desainnya juga bagus
smooth banget kelihatannya
Websitenya keren. like this. Ngomong2 itu Url-nya bisa bagus gitu gimana caranya pak/mas?. makasih.
Kok bisa kayak gini
Di guide.pdf nya sudah ada tutorialnya, tentang URL Manager…