pivot data to gridview

Hello, I, just started to use yii, I’m just a curious not a developer, and still a learning…

So please bare with me, as I looked around for some time now and can’t find a answer that fits into my issue.

so here it goes:

How can I pivot this table (see sample file) to show in Cgridview?


|1                |2017-01-01   |1              |

|1                |2017-01-02   |2              |

|1                |2017-01-03   |3              |

|1                |2017-01-04   |3              |

|...              |...          |...            |

|2                |2017-01-01   |1              |

|2                |2017-01-02   |2              |

|2                |2017-01-03   |3              |

|2                |2017-01-04   |3              |

|...              |...          |...            |

I need it do display as:


1                 |1         |2         |3         |3         |...

2                 |1         |2         |3         |3         |... 

Thanks in advance for any help provided.

Regards, Rui

Have you come across solution to this, I have the same issue…