مشکل در نصب Phpunit

pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de

Notice: fwrite(): send of 105 bytes failed with errno=10053 An established conne

ction was aborted by the software in your host machine.

 in PEAR\Downloader.php on line 1664

Notice: fwrite(): send of 105 bytes failed with errno=10053 An established conne

ction was aborted by the software in your host machine.

 in C:\xampp\php\pear\PEAR\Downloader.php on line 1664

Discovering channel pear.phpunit.de over  failed with message: channel-ad

d: Cannot open "pear.phpunit.de/channel.xml" (File pear.phpunit.de

:80/channel.xml not valid (redirected but no location))

Trying to discover channel pear.phpunit.de over  instead

Discovery of channel "pear.phpunit.de" failed (channel-add: Cannot open "

/pear.phpunit.de/channel.xml" (Connection to `pear.phpunit.de:443' failed: An es

tablished connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.



من وقتی این کد رو می نویسم خطا میده کسی میدونه مشکلش چیه؟

[rtl][font="Tahoma"]1. ویندوزی دیگه؟

  1. دسترسی نوشتن توی شاخه pear داری؟

  2. توی مرورگر مستقیم http://pear.phpunit.de/channel.xml رو باز میکنه؟

  3. با فیلترشکن تست کن.


ممنون از توجه ای که داشتی

مشکل در محدودیت دسترسی به اینترنت در محیط

